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Open license (e.g., Creative Commons, GNU)


I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework


Guidelines, methodologies and practice documents
  • Domain agnostic

The I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework is a set of guidelines based on a simple non-domain specific ontology that supports the decomposition of complex observable properties into their essential atomic parts represented through the concepts in FAIR terminologies.


WIzard for DOCumenting Ontologies


Metadata & ontologies
  • Domain agnostic

Widoco is an ontology documentation tool that allows users to publish and create a customized documentation for an ontology automatically by following a series of steps in a GUI.


Chowlk Converter

Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

Chowlk Converter is a web application that takes as input an ontology conceptualization made with diagrams.net and generates its implementation in OWL.


OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!


Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner! is a web application for ontology evaluation. Some of the aspects validated in OOPS! overlap with FAIRness evaluation criteria for ontologies.


Your first step towards your FAIR data(set)


Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

The FAIR-Aware tool provides practical information and resources to (further) develop skills for FAIR data and is meant to incentivise researchers to make their data FAIR. This tool can be used both as a teaching tool and as a resource for researchers and data stewards.


Ontology Pitfall Scanner for FAIR

Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Metadata & ontologies
  • Engineering & Technology

FOOPS! is a tool for assessing FAIRness level for ontologies.  It is a web application that can be used for ontologies developed from many domains. 


Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool

The FAIRsFAIR project

Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

F-UJI is a service based on REST, originally developed within the FAIRsFAIR project, piloting a programmatic assessment of the FAIRness of research datasets in five trustworthy data repositories.

FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool

A standalone, desktop application to connect health data sources from various formats


Software & tools
  • Medical & Health Sciences

The tool is used to connect the health data sources which can be in various formats (Excel files, CSV files, SQL databases) and migrate data into a HL7 FHIR Repository.

Guidelines, methodologies and practice documents
  • Natural Sciences

This policy framework proposed a set of 21 elements to consider when formulating data policy for research infrastructures, especially in the photon and neutron (PaN) domain. Although the framework was produced specifically in the PaN context, it is sufficiently general that it is likely to be of value in other fields.

LS Login

Life Science login


Software & tools
  • Natural Sciences

The Life Science Log in enables researchers to use their home organization credentials or community or commercial identities (Orcid/Linkedin) to sign in and access data and services they need across multiple platforms.