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FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool

A standalone, desktop application to connect health data sources from various formats

The tool was developed by the FAIR4Health project and is used to connect the health data sources which can be in various formats (Excel files, CSV files, SQL databases) and migrate data into a HL7 FHIR Repository.

The tool shows the available FHIR profiles to the user so that he/she can perform mappings appropriately. The tool can also contact a Terminology Server (which is actually another HL7 FHIR Repository) so that data fields can be annotated if coding schemes such as ICD10 or SNOMED-CT are in use.

Who is the service for

Level at which the tool/solution/approach is intended to be used

  • Institutional (e.g., RPOs, Universities)
  • Data service provider (e.g., repositories, registry services)

Main users: Research Software Engineers

Expertise needed: Knowledge of command line commands for implementing the tool

This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824666, FAIR4Health Project (Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data).

Contact information

FAIR4Health Consortium