Explore the FAIR Implementation resources available in EOSC

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Medical & Health Sciences

Dataset Maturity Model

Dataset Maturity Model


Software & tools
  • Medical & Health Sciences
  • Domain agnostic

This model assess dataset maturity using indicators based on the FAIR principles

FAIR4Health Data Privacy Tool

FAIR4Health Data Privacy Tool


Software & tools
  • Medical & Health Sciences

This is a standalone, desktop application developed by the FAIR4Health project. The tool aims to handle the privacy challenges exposed by the sensitive health data.

FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool

A standalone, desktop application to connect health data sources from various formats


Software & tools
  • Medical & Health Sciences

The tool is used to connect the health data sources which can be in various formats (Excel files, CSV files, SQL databases) and migrate data into a HL7 FHIR Repository.