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Data policy support for facilities science

This policy framework assists with the framing of data policies for research infrastructures, especially in the photon and neutron (PaN) domain.

ExPaNDS deliverable D2.3: Final data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs, considers how data policies for research infrastructures providing photon and neutron facilities should be framed, in particular in the light of supporting open science and FAIR data.

To produce the final, revised version of the data policy framework, ExPaNDS undertook a series of detailed consultation meetings with all ten of partner PaN RIs. Drawing extensively on quotes from the write ups of those conversations, this report presents the themes that emerged from the consultation, focusing especially on those that featured most often and most strongly.

Based on the consultation feedback, a revised version of the ExPaNDS data policy framework is now available, which proposes 21 elements for RIs to consider when formulating data policy.

Although the framework was produced specifically in the PaN context, it is sufficiently general that it is likely to be of value in other fields.

Who is the service for

Level at which the tool/solution/approach is intended to be used

  • Institutional (e.g., RPOs, Universities)
  • Data service provider (e.g., repositories, registry services)

Main users: Repository or Service Manager

Expertise needed: General familiarity with the role and operations of research infrastructures in facilities science, and expectations on data policies from national funding bodies.


McBirnie, Abigail, Matthews, Brian, Gagey, Brigitte, Minotti, Carlo, Salvat, Daniel, Schlünzen, Frank, & Vukolov, Andrei. (2021). Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5205825

Contact information

Abigail McBirnie