Explore the FAIR Implementation resources available in EOSC

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National Repository or Service Manager (e.g., Funding bodies, Government)


Metadata & ontologies
  • Domain agnostic

A curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies.

OGC Definitions Server

OGC RAINBOW: OGC Definitions Server


  • Domain agnostic

OGC RAINBOW is provided by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), a membership based International Standards Organisation




Software & tools
  • Natural Sciences

EcoPortal is a repository for semantic artefacts that pertain to Ecology and Biodiversity. It hosts relevant ontologies and controlled vocabularies together with their metadata and it offers a suite of tools to discover, publish or utilise them.

FAIR-enabling data policy checklist

FAIR-enabling data policy checklist


  • Domain agnostic

This checklist helps policy-makers to assess whether elements of their data policies are FAIR-enabling as well as providing recommendations on what should be addressed in policies.

Dataset Maturity Model

Dataset Maturity Model


Software & tools
  • Medical & Health Sciences
  • Domain agnostic

This model assess dataset maturity using indicators based on the FAIR principles


OGC Definitions Server


Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

OGC RAINBOW is a Web accessible source of information about things (“Concepts”) the OGC defines or that communities ask the OGC to host on their behalf. It applies FAIR principles to the key concepts that underpin interoperability in systems using OGC specifications.


Federated FAIR Data Space


Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

The F2DS is a unifying data space that is built by aggregating and enriching datasets from a set of multidisciplinary repositories, i.e. data sources, with the aim to facilitate data discovery and reuse. Although datasets are the primary focus of the resulting data space, other items are managed, including repositories and data sources, APIs, metadata schemas and ontologies


A semantic artefact catalogue for agri-food

AgroPortal project, supported by University of Montpellier and INRAE

Metadata & ontologies
  • Agricultural Sciences

AgroPortal is an ontology repository (more generally a semantic artefact catalogue) for the agri-food domain which features ontology hosting, search, versioning, visualization, comment, and recommendation; enables semantic annotation; stores and exploits ontology alignments; and enables interoperation with the semantic web.


Training materials
  • Domain agnostic

A paper based self assessment tool to measure the FAIR-ness of an organization


A web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets


Software & tools
  • Domain agnostic

VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing and sharing reference data, controlled lists of codes and terms, thesauri and ontologies, used to organise information

FAIR Signposting

A method to expose machine-actionable navigation links


Guidelines, methodologies and practice documents
  • Domain agnostic

A method to expose machine-actionable navigation links that indicate downloadable resources, types and attribution – particularly for scholarly and institutional repositories which use persistent identifiers like DOIs.


Research Object Crate (RO-Crate)


Guidelines, methodologies and practice documents
  • Domain agnostic

RO-Crate has been established as a community effort to practically achieve FAIR packaging of research objects (digital objects like data, methods, software, etc.) with their structured metadata.