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OGC Definitions Server

OGC RAINBOW: OGC Definitions Server

OGC RAINBOW is a Web accessible source of information about things (“Concepts”) the OGC defines or that communities ask the OGC to host on their behalf. It applies FAIR principles to the key concepts that underpin interoperability in systems using OGC specifications. The OGC is in process of improving FAIR publication of specifications that enable the discovery, exchange and exploitation of spatio-temporal data. These specifications include Spatio-temporal models for both implementation patterns and conceptual meta-models and application domains.

For example, the joint W3C/OGC standards for Time, GeoSPARQL and SOSA/SSN (Observations and Sensors). Particular emphasis is emerging regarding the profiling of general purpose standards for specific spatio-temporal contexts. For example, OGC will publish GeoDCAT, a spatio-temporal profile of the Data Catalog Vocabulary.


Who is the service for

Level at which the tool/solution/approach is intended to be used

  • Institutional  (e.g., Research Performing Organisations, Universities)
  • National Repository or Service Manager (e.g., Funding bodies, Government)
  • International (e.g., pan-European research infrastructures)
  • Standards Developer

Main users: Distributed infrastructure architects, policy makers

Expertise needed: Understanding of role of standards

This is rapidly evolving and support is available for any active OGC working groups and external partners wishing to consume or contribute to the resource. Limited support is available for casual use, however collaborations with infrastructure designers are desired and will be accomodated as far as possible.

Contact information

Rob Atkinson