Data service provider (e.g., repositories, registry services)
A semantic artefact catalogue for agri-food
- Agricultural Sciences
AgroPortal is an ontology repository (more generally a semantic artefact catalogue) for the agri-food domain which features ontology hosting, search, versioning, visualization, comment, and recommendation; enables semantic annotation; stores and exploits ontology alignments; and enables interoperation with the semantic web.
PaN Ontologies to support FAIR
Ontologies to support FAIR data implementation in Photon and Neutron (PaN) data catalogues
ExPaNDS - the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Photon and Neutron Data Service , PaNOSC - Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud
- Natural Sciences
Collins, S. P., da Graça Ramos, S., Iyayi, D. et al. (2021). ExPaNDS D3.2 ExPaNDS ontologies v1.0.
A web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets
Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'
ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens
- Domain agnostic
VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing and sharing reference data, controlled lists of codes and terms, thesauri and ontologies, used to organise information
FAIR Signposting
A method to expose machine-actionable navigation links
Signposting the Scholarly Web
- Domain agnostic
A method to expose machine-actionable navigation links that indicate downloadable resources, types and attribution – particularly for scholarly and institutional repositories which use persistent identifiers like DOIs.
Research Object Crate (RO-Crate)
Research Object community
- Domain agnostic
RO-Crate has been established as a community effort to practically achieve FAIR packaging of research objects (digital objects like data, methods, software, etc.) with their structured metadata.
Ontology FAIRness Evaluator
AgroPortal project, supported by University of Montpellier and INRAE
- Agricultural Sciences
- Domain agnostic
O'FAIRe (Ontology FAIRness Evaluator) is a metadata-based automatic FAIRness assessment methodology for ontologies and semantic artefacts.
A generic technology to build ontology repositories or semantic artefact catalogues
OntoPortal Alliance
- Domain agnostic
The OntoPortal technology allows anyone to set up a semantic artefact catalogue for a domain/project of interest.
I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework
- Domain agnostic
The I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework is a set of guidelines based on a simple non-domain specific ontology that supports the decomposition of complex observable properties into their essential atomic parts represented through the concepts in FAIR terminologies.
IVOA Validator
Online IVOA validator for Astronomy services
Observatoire de Paris (France)
- Natural Sciences
The online tool allows data centre and data repository managers to assess the compliance of their web services or digital object with respect to the IVOA standards.
Your first step towards your FAIR data(set)
The FAIRsFAIR project
- Domain agnostic
The FAIR-Aware tool provides practical information and resources to (further) develop skills for FAIR data and is meant to incentivise researchers to make their data FAIR. This tool can be used both as a teaching tool and as a resource for researchers and data stewards.
Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool
The FAIRsFAIR project
- Domain agnostic
F-UJI is a service based on REST, originally developed within the FAIRsFAIR project, piloting a programmatic assessment of the FAIRness of research datasets in five trustworthy data repositories.
FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool
A standalone, desktop application to connect health data sources from various formats
FAIR4Health project
- Medical & Health Sciences
The tool is used to connect the health data sources which can be in various formats (Excel files, CSV files, SQL databases) and migrate data into a HL7 FHIR Repository.