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A generic technology to build ontology repositories or semantic artefact catalogues

The OntoPortal technology is co-developed by the OntoPortal Alliance, a consortium of researchers dedicated to promoting semantic services in scientific research based on shared domain-specific ontologies managed with the collaboratively developed OntoPortal software. The technology, originally based on the NCBO BioPortal, allows anyone to set up a semantic artefact catalogue for a domain/project of interest. For instance: AgroPortal, EcoPortal, BioPortal, MatPortal are instances of the OntoPortal technology respectively for agri-food, ecology/biodiversity, biomedicine, and material disciplines.

Who is the service for

Level at which the tool/solution/approach is intended to be used

  • Institutional (e.g., Research Performing Organisations, Universities)
  • International (e.g., pan-European research infrastructures
  • Data service provider (e.g., repositories, registry services)
  • National Repository or Service Manager

Main users: Repository or Service Manager

Expertise needed: To deploy an OntoPortal installation some technical expertise (devops) is required. The maintenance and administration of semantic artefacts with an OntoPortal installation is mostly easy/accessible and fairly documented.

Contact information

Clement Jonquet