Vocabularies and ontologies in agri-food are spread out, in different formats, of different size, with different structures and from overlapping domains. There is need for a common platform to receive and host them, align them, and enabling their use in agro-informatics applications. AgroPortal is an ontology repository (more generally a semantic artefact catalogue) for the agri-food domain which features ontology hosting, search, versioning, visualization, comment, and recommendation; enables semantic annotation; stores and exploits ontology alignments; and enables interoperation with the semantic web. The AgroPortal specifically satisfies requirements of the agronomy community in terms of ontology formats (e.g., SKOS vocabularies and trait dictionaries) and supported features (offering detailed metadata and advanced annotation capabilities).
Who is the service for
Level at which the tool is intended to be used
Institutional, Data service provider, National Repository or Service Manager, International
Main users
Data Steward, Repository or Service Manager
Expertise needed
AgroPortal targets mainly two kind of users:
1. semantic artefact developers, who can host and serve their artefacts in the catalogue;
2. semantic artefact users, who can use any semantic artefact through the web application user interfaces or APIs.
The level of expertise depends on the type of users.