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FAIR Signposting

A method to expose machine-actionable navigation links

A method to expose machine-actionable navigation links that indicate downloadable resources, types and attribution – particularly for scholarly and institutional repositories which use persistent identifiers like DOIs. Signposting makes explicit the links between a typical HTML landing page and the downloadable resources that are available for the research object described by that landing pages, including content resources and machine-readable metadata such as in RDF, although the method is technology-agnostic in terms of metadata formats. It also links to persistent identifiers, both for the research object and its authors. Signposting uses existing standards to achieve this: Web Links (RFC8288) conveyed using a simple HTTP header, HTML <link> elements, and/or Linksets (RFC9264).

Who is the service for


Level at which the tool/solution/approach is intended to be used

Data service provider, Repository developer, Researchers, FAIR tooling

Main users: Research Software Engineer

Expertise needed: No specific expertise needed.

Contact information

FAIR Impact FAIR Implementation team