The adoption of FAIR principles often requires a culture change amongst researchers at their local institutions. To make Open and FAIR practices normative, community engagement amongst researchers is pivotal. Open Science Communities (OSC) are places where researchers make their Open and FAIR practices visible and accessible to their peers, e.g. by organising workshop, focus groups, symposia and other forms of peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.
The International Network of Open Science Communities (INOSC) is a growing network of 18 local OSCs in 8 countries and is helping colleagues around the globe to set-up their own local OSC. You are invited to join their 12-week Open Science Community Incubator Program (for free!), to start your own local OSC and connect to the INOSC network. In this program, you will be guided through each of the steps of the OSC Starter Kit
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Who is the service for
Level at which the tool/solution/approach is intended to be used
Main users: Researchers
Expertise needed: No specific expertise needed.