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Ontology FAIRness Evaluator

O'FAIRe (Ontology FAIRness Evaluator) is a metadata-based automatic FAIRness assessment methodology for ontologies and semantic artefacts; a broader term to include ontologies, terminologies, taxonomies, thesauri, vocabularies, metadata schemas and standards. It is based on the projection of the 15 foundational FAIR principles for ontologies, and it is aligned and nourished with relevant state-of-the-art initiatives for FAIRness assessment.

We propose 61 questions among 80% are based on the resource metadata descriptions. O'FAIRe has been implemented in the AgroPortal semantic artefact catalogue. O'FAIRe web service outputs both global and detailed scores (normalized) against the 15 FAIR Principles. O'FAIRe results are visualized and explained with new specific user-friendly interfaces (such as the FAIRness wheel) in order to help AgroPortal users improve the FAIRness of their resources. O'FAIRe is currently implemented in three different public ontology repositories ; in the future, we will deploy the service in other OntoPortal repositories.

Who is the service for

Level at which the tool is intended to be used
Data service provider

Main users
Data Steward, Repository or Service Manager

Expertise needed
No specific expertise is needed to use O'FAIRe. However, a semantic artefact developer will need to encode/curate the metadata appropriately in AgroPortal for O'FAIRe to use them.

Contact information

FAIR Impact FAIR Implementation team